
The one of the Surfing destination in Sri Lanka – Weligama was once just another sandy
town in east cost of Sri Lanka , now it is famously known as one of the island best surf
beginner destinations.
You can see on the Sri Lanka map, Weligama is a huge bay on the southern cost of the
island, protected from the palm trees, making its waves soft and smooth, perfect for
beginner surfing.


Mirissa has a few spots of surfing that might be worth of checking out.
It’s not considered a surfing like some of the other surf spots in Island on our list, but it
has a popular destination, which is best place for intermediate and advanced surfers.
Mirissa east coast is lined with lots of restaurants and bars along with the sea foods, as
well as colorful nightlife scene, for those after having fun with a parties


Located on the southwest coast, Midigama is famous for five surf points within walking
distance to each surfing points , that are definitely experience of marking on your Sri
Lanka surfing.
Minimum short times ride from one to another and you’re hitting few of the best surf
places in the area. guiding from surf caches for the best experience.
You would definitely need an experienced surf guide to ride at Midigama s, as those are
pretty tough to handle and require knowledge on specifics of each one.


Unawatuna, a beach town just south of famous city Galle, along checking out on your
way to historical Dutch Fort. At Weligama surfing area we highly recommend to visit this
picturesque and atmospheric town while you’re in the South.


Hikkaduwa is one of the most developed surf tourist destination town, famous for
number of local breaks and waves that can reach 3ft to 10ft on high season.

This is a main beach is the place where some of the best surf schools operate, thus
perfect for beginners with its soft sandy seabed and smooth waves

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